Heart Day

February 14, 2012 § 2 Comments

Heather with her Great-Aunt Mary and her Aunt Mary, globe trotting photographer.

Today’s is Valentine’s Day – a day dreaded by some and embraced by others!  But over here, let’s call it Heart Day and take some time to stop and think about the women who have given us “heart” and inspired us throughout the years.

I’d have to say, one of the first was my great-aunt Mary.  As a child, I spent a lot of time with her as she was already retired.  She had gone to work as a computer programmer in the 1940’s – one of only two female programmers in the area. My mother recalls riding around with her aunt and hearing her tool box clanking in the back seat – those were the days when computers were “programmed” using wrenches.  My great aunt recalled dealing with sexism when she would arrive on a site to work, but she held her head high because she knew she belonged there and nobody was going to judge her because she was wearing a dress.  She was confident in the quality of the work she delivered. My Aunt Mary always recalled her years working with much fondness and respect for those she worked with – both male and female.

Her voice was one of many in a chorus of amazing women in my family who constantly told me the only limits were the ones I put on myself.  As a kid, well-educated, empowered women (and the men who valued those qualities) were the norm. I realized only later how lucky I was.

I’m fortunate that I had many inspiring role models and I continue to be inspired and encouraged by women around me.  I can’t leave the office without having learned something new from the fantastic ladies who are the heart of the Empowerment Center.

So, today in honor of heart day, who inspired you? Or conversely, who are you hoping to inspire?

Posted by: Heather Comstock

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§ 2 Responses to Heart Day

  • KMM says:

    Happy Heart Day! What a great day to share about our women inspirations! I’d have to say there have been so many along my life path.

    In high school it was the many teachers who encouraged me to go to the ‘next step’ and be who I was – not to be afraid to lead others. My parents who didn’t spoon feed me along the way, but provided good learning opportunities. In college, my sorority leaders and alumna who continue to amaze me with their skills, connections, and giving back. My sister who is my ‘first call’ for most daily happenings & sharings and my good fortune to have girlfriends who are wealthy in advice & fun!

    Today, it’s the women of the many Howard County nonprofits who give openly their time, talents, and donations to support our women in need. It is awe inspiring to be surrounded by them during events and meetings. I count my blessings and today is a testament to who I’ve become thanks to the many women in my life every step of the way.

    Ironically, it seems like the ‘holiday’ in our house right now has become more about the kids having fun — giving valentine’s and sharing with others — the smiles and squeals of delight are, well, not romantic, but fulfilling none the less!

    Glad to see all those spreading the love today!!! Thanks for making us take a moment to recognize the value of women in our lives. XOXOXOXO!

  • Maria Smith says:

    Thank you Heather for reminding me of women who forged a path for us and made it easier for us to go out into the world confident and secure.
    I love to read and hear stories about those women who succeeded in fields that at the time were consided ‘non-traditional’ for women.

    We tend to think this was only possibe after the ‘1960’s

    This make me realize that there were more than just a few women in those roles. Certainly there were many whose experiences went unnoticed by the majority. But there is no question that women like your Aunt Mary had laid the ground work so we could be were we are today!

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